Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The techniques I used for this was just to find effects that remind me of a dream like state. Stars, and the grey in the background are supposed to be clouds. so it's kinda like the sky you lseep under when you dream if you want to get into it =D the top left corner was something I found that just seemed to fit in with the whole theme. I chose this one because it was my other favorite of workshop 6.
The main technique I used on this image was balance of effects. I didn't want to put snowflakes across the entire thing because that would be overwhelming. I also varied the types of icicles that are on the bottom of each letter to avoid repetition. I used the black background because I thought it resembled a snowy winter's night. I chose this picture because it was my favorite from the workshop 6.
The techniques I used for this picture were dark colors, saturation, and drawn in lines to create a type of photo that looked like someone had drawn it. I think the lines create good contour where there should be on the building. The clouds were converted into a pattern to make for a cool effect. I chose this photo because it shows an array of effects that can be used.

I guess you could say I used the technique of simplicity in this photo. I found a spot in my yard that was untouched snow and these 'pinwheels' were right next to that spot. I kept the whitebalance on auto because I actually liked the blue effect it was presenting. I added a white border because it fit in better with the colors than black would have. the mood for this picture could be seen as content, calm. I chose this picture because it uses the rules of 3rd in an evident way.
I used reflection as a technique in this photo. I cloned out some rocks so there would be more view of the sky in the pond. I included some of the woods in the background so the upside down clouds aren't overwhelming. The mood is surreal because it makes people take a second look at what the picture is really. I chose this photo because it was really the first one that got me into different things I could try that make the photos look different than the norm.

I used HDR on this to bring out the details. I used 3 shots. One with low contrast, one regular, and one with high B&C. The mood and theme would probably be daring since it's a sports car and it reminds me of a racing game. I chose this image because it's my favorite HDR image I've created and it shows another way photographs could be other art forms.

I cropped this part of the photo out from the original which was mostly the sky. I wanted to try to make a computer generated polaroid so I used the 'glamour filter' with density at 35 and on top of that i added the 'foliage' filter with density at 20 or so. I added more contrast over the whole thing. I added a chunkier border at the bottom to resemble the polaroid frame and a black thin border on the right side and bottom side just like real polaroids are. The mood is maybe...dreamy? That's what I think of anyhows. I chose this picture because it's a composite image of mine that used 4 layers and I just really like it.

Techniques used: depth of focus to direct the attention to the dew drops on the flower but still include the second flower in the back in the area of vision. I upped the contrast a little to show the deep purple centers and make the dew drops stand out more. The mood I think this picture reflects is calm. I chose this picture because it shows that flowers aren't boring to be photographed : D
I upped the saturation in this picture to make the colors stand out more. I took the picture from a ground view point because I liked the way the umbrella looked next to the sky. The mood I was going for for this picture was a sort of happy, thank-god-its-summer, good bye cold weather! I chose this picture to include because I think it showed photography doesn't necessarily have to be of people or places, anything looks good if you know how to capture it on a camera.
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Editing techniques: cropped it into this rectangle shape, then lowered the brightness & contrast. i added a "glamour" filter over it with density at 24. by angling the picture like it is, the bricks on the side of the building direct you to look at her, and she is so far to the right because i wanted people to wonder "What is she looking at?"
This was shot at an old factory in my town, so i wanted the theme of the entire shoot to be sort of solemn, and this picture reflects it by her looking out into the distance. I used a black border to go along with the other dark colors in the picture.I chose this picture because it's in a category many people just think is for headshots and modeling, although people photography can be much more.